My views and opinions below do not necessarily reflect the opinion of twitter, to its management and to the stars mentioned.
Twitter is an online social networking site and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets".(Wikepedia).
Twitter was created on March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and was launched to public on July of the same year. Through the years, the site has gained popularity world wide with over 500 million active users as of 2012, and 340 million tweets daily.
Unlike other social sites (Facebook, Multiply, Myspace), Twitter has gained trust from public and those elites like businessmen and celebrities. This has been even used as a platform for movie and TV show promotions for actors and campaign agenda for politicians. Also, nowadays Twitter has been used as a medium of conversation between the mass and its government. Notably, Twitter has turned the table of NEWS delivering the most rapid online media. Most if not all of the large NEWS establishments have twitter accounts for their respective NEWS Program.
In this blog, I would like to tackle Twitter in the Philippine setting. If you have a twitter account I am sure that you can definitely relate on this topic.
Personally, I joined twitter back in 2009 out of curiosity. At that time, it had always been a talk of famous celebrities both Hollywood and local so I decided to create my own account too.
I followed the influential celebrities and politicians as well as news programs of television networks. With twitter I can directly convey my thoughts to these once unreachable stars and establishments. Good to know that there are celebrities who take time to respond to my tweets. Many of us would look forward to exchange thoughts with our idols that once we thought would never happen. But thanks to twitter, everything is possible now.
It’s sad to note also that Twitter has become a platform for online bullying which victimize everyone even these celebrities. Local celebrities have been a subject to bashing from their critics and haters. It’s surprising that these big stars also go down to their basher’s level. Take a note of Sharon Cuneta’s account when she continuously responded to all her bashers with negative statement. Everyone was shocked on her act and was even referred to by director Joey Reyes a “career suicide”. I only cite Mega’s account because to me that has to be the worst Celebrity – basher encounter in the twitter world though there were many celebrities who’ve been involved in a star-basher controversies.
I too had encountered this with the celebrities. I responded to their certain act on TV which as a television viewer I don’t like. My intention was not to bash celebrities but to convey to them my thoughts and how I feel towards their performance or act that I saw on TV. I got multiple negative responses already from them and even a couple of times were blocked by celebrities. Maybe, blocking is the ultimate answer to Twitter holders if they can no longer answer their follower’s thought. Kapag hindi na makakapag reason out yon mga celebrities ay Block lang ang katapat ng mga followers. Well, blocking those bashers are not an issue to me but kapag bina-block mo yong follower who is just expressing his thoughts towards you at ikay natamaan ay matatawag na kitang “coward” and should better stop using twitter if you cannot handle the pressure. Well, ang sa akin lang hindi naman makatarungan na iblock mo yong follower mo just because he disagrees to your thoughts.
Here are some of the screen-shots i took on my both positive and negative encounter with the celebrities. These are just few, i failed to save the others.

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