Air Bridge: the bridge connecting the Plane door to the Airport Terminal
This is inside the arrival hall of Suvarnabhumi airport, right after the gate from the air bridge.
Inside the arrival hall of the Airport are crowd of people in different cultures - blondes, brunette, mestizas, brown, black. It is were the East and the West meet.
Arrival hall after the air bridge.

One thing to note in this airport though is most of the signanges are written in local language. For first timers in Bangkok like us, we had to go with the flow. We followed the people who were on the same flight as ours. And there we reached the Thai Immigration booth.
Look at their sense of Fashion! love it.
Anyway, here are the things you need to remember when reaching the immigration booth.
1. Prepare your Passport. Always make it handy.
2. Get ready for the arrival (immigration) card given to all passengers on board (while in the plane). Ensure all necessary fields are filled in correctly and completely.
3. Wait for your turn. For international airports like that of Bangkok, expect to see a long queue of people from tourists to business travelers falling in line for immigration. Always observe the norms in the country you are visiting.
4. Once it's your turn, always wear smile and pay respect to immigration officers. I always say my greetings i.e. good morning, good evening, etc. Hand your passport and arrival card to the officer.
5.Be confident! remember, the immigration officer is the key to the country of your destination. They can either let you enter or deny pass to their country.
BTW, remove caps, hats, bonnets when in the immigration booth. They will take a photo of you for their record.
Once passport is stamped, off we go! Hello Bangkok. We then proceeded to carousel 5 to claim our luggage. We were a bit lost as there were many carousels moving all at the same time. But again, rule of thumb is always follow the same people boarded in the same plane with you. Oh uh! there you go, i found them.

I waited for more than 20 minutes as the were delays on our luggage. No explanation given.
Quite bored as all wifi connections were protected. We didn't mind asking for password as we know we had wifi in our hotel though.
Finally! the carousel starts moving. First to go out were the big luggages. Then i saw my backpack. Yehey!

Signage going to Airport Link
Way to Airport Link.
There are 2 Trains serving from Suvarnabhum airport to the city. These are the Blue line (Express line) and Red Line (City line). The blue line makes 7 stops while the City line only has 2 stops. City line costs more than the express line so we prefer to go to the Blue line.
The Airport link station is located in the basement of the airport terminal. Go 2 levels down.
Purchased Train pass through this electronic machine.
How to purchase pass?
1. Tap on the touch screen.
2. Choose English.
3. Tap on the shown map your destination (Train stops are marked by their station name).
4. Machine will ask you to enter the number of passes you'd like to purchase, Default is 1 pass.
5. After quantity is entered, insert your money (in Baht) into the money slot of the machine.
6. Screen will display 'processing'.
7. Once complete, machine will release the token which will serve as your pass. It's a plastic token as small as a 10 peso coin.
8. Get the token and your change if there's any.
Price: 35 Baht/Person
Vending Machine for Airport Link Pass
Once token is secured, proceed to the train platform located 1 level down. Tap your token upon entrance of the platform. Ensure to keep the token as you will use this to exit from your destination.
Airport Link Platform. to be continued on the next blog entry!
love ur blog. very detailed.. been looking for this details. its my first tym to go to bkk next week! yey! excited much! thank u so much..